abscess, probably due to a cat bite or scratch," I said.
"I will tranquilise it and drain the abscess."
"There was this neighbourhood tom cat who came up to my
2nd floor apartment," Mr Wong said. "He must have attacked
my mother's cat. The cat was just outside the apartment
waiting for my mother to return from work."
Tom cats do seek out and destroy their enemies to assert
control over their territories. Some people do the same
thing too.
I injected the
5-year-old spayed cat with a tranquiliser. Then I
gave her some anaesthetic gas through a face mask. This
would be the safest method.
She showed her claws.
Tranquilisers don't knock out a cat. Just sedate it.
Finally she was anaesthesized. It took a few minutes to
drain the pus from the swelling.
A malodorous smell would make the most seasoned
veterinarian and veterinary nurse puke. Some sort of flesh
rotting bacteria were multiplying inside the swelling.
The next day, Mr Wong came back. A blackish discharge
oozed from the backside wound.
Whitish and soft skin edges. The cat would lick the
wound obsessively.
This time, I gave
the cat a general anaesthetic injection into its back
I seldom used this method as an injection is irreversible
if the cat had reactions. The cat may die unlike gas
anaesthetic which can be given in small amounts first.
Mr Wong was into the surgery room. The ceiling extractor
fan could not remove the malodorous smell promptly.
Mr Wong stepped further away from the operating table and
stood nearer the surgery door.
The smell of the decay of rotting flesh was so much
unpleasant. Nurse Ann and I had insensitive noses. We were
conditioned to malodour over the ears.
"Do you want to wait at the waiting area?" I suggested.
I did not know whether he would faint as his work with
beautiful music and movies would be a world of much more
pleasant smells than a veterinary surgery.
What sort of bacteria was so virulent as to cause tissue
decay? The cat has an elastic skin and a bite from the tom
cat had injected bacteria into the skin below.
Being elastic, the wound closed. The bacteria multiplied.
The cat's defence white blood cells could not cope with
the invasion. Cells die and a putrid odour wafted in the
surgery room.
The wound was
flushed and cleaned. It needed antibiotics and then
another surgery to close the hole. The owner did not want
the cat back yet.
as a table-tennis ball diameter.
His mother missed the
cat but would not be able to clean the wound or give
antibiotics. Nurse Ann gave antibiotics by mixing with the cat
Over the next 6 days, the wound was licked clean by the cat. All
dead edges of skin were licked away all the dead skin creating a
hole is as big
It is always a challenge
to close up a big skin hole. I hate this type of surgery as
failure would mean the cat would suffer from a much bigger hole.
Not as simple as you would think. It took more than one hour.
Now, the mother wanted the cat home.

"If the stitches break down, the hole would be 5 times bigger in area and
there would be no second chance at stitching. At home, the cat
would be walking about and rubbing its stitches against some
walls. You have been informed of the risk."
Veterinary costs are most important for the owner. I understand
what the mother was thinking. She is from the baby-boomer
generation where thrift is important.
It was not easy to earn
money. She worked hard to earn a living to bring up a filial
And here, just a bite wound from a tom cat would cost money.
Mr Wong said, "How to get rid of this tom cat?"
"Well, you can contact the government's Veterinary Department,"
I mumbled, without volunteering him the phone number.
"Another tom cat will take over the territory."
He fingered his beard. Nodded his head. I was wondering why his
mother let the cat out of the apartment in the first place but
it was not my business to ask. Many older Singaporeans would
feed but no keep the stray cat at home. Sometimes, the cat just
wanted to go out daily.
The veterinary expenses were high although this was just a cat
bite wound. The musician and writer owner understood that
this was not a simple consultation.
Mr Wong visited the cat in the evening. He saw the
stitches, the long incisions of skin I had to pinch skin from
further down the leg to seal just a 20-cm hole.
I had to get skin from every where just to close the gap. The
right side of the anus had only 0.5 cm of skin left and I needed
to make sure that the anal area be stitched up.
I remembered this uncommon surgery. A dark green blob of anal
oil oozed out when I undermined the anal area to get the skin
loosened to stitch to the other skin flap.
I cursed: Damn it, anal gland oil contaminating the wound.
Would there be infection now?

I swabbed away the oil. I should have squeezed out the anal
gland oil before surgery. But I had never thought of it.
"3 or 4 days later," he
said. "I will bring the cat home."
"No," I said. "The skin wounds take at least 10 days to heal. 14
days preferred.
"There would be no second chance if the stitches break down, " I
advised. "The cat would have a gigantic backside wound!"
"Let me pay the outstanding fees now," he said. "Otherwise the
total amount payable on discharge will give me a heart attack!"
Mr Wong gave Nurse Ann the Nets Card to debit the fees.
The surgery and anaesthesia was $250. It took over an hour just
to stitch up a "small" wound in the backside. Preparation for
surgery took another half an hour.
The man with the beard and left ear ring loves his mother
without a doubt.
Otherwise he would have just asked the humane shelter to take
away this cat and saved him money. After all, she was just a
stray cat!
From this experience, all cats should be kept at home for their
own safety.
It is still a cat-bite-cat jungle in Singapore. Not only from
tom cats. But from the 2-legged ones.
Singapore cats seem to be becoming an endangered species, in my
As they trusted people who feed them, they would be easily
Stray cats are becoming extinct in modern Singapore in 2006. The
few wise ones would not venture out during daytime as they
observed the danger. Who the cat catchers were, I do not know. I
have never seen them in action but I was told by cat lovers that
they use nets on long poles to nap the stray cats.
I hope the man with the beard and ear rings would be able to see
his mother's cat for the next few years. I advised him not to
let the cat out of the bag...
I mean not to let the cat out of the apartment.
It is a real cat napping jungle outside his apartment.